
忘れられない一言 24(aka Schweitzer)

 この本の第四章を締めくくる巨人はAlbert Schweitzerで、この人についてもまた多くがすでに語られているので私が書くことはあまりないが、やはり何といってもこの人はserve(またはservice)ということの重要性を教えてくれる。彼はこんなことを言っている。

 I do not know your destiny, but I do know one thing; the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve.

 You ask me to give you a motto. Here it is: service. Let this word accompany you as you seek your way and your duty in the world. May it be recalled to your minds if ever you are tempted to forget it or to set it aside. Never have this word on your lips, but keep it in your hearts And may it be confidant that will teach you not only to do good but to do it simply and humbly. It will not always be comfortable companion but it will always be a faithful one. And it will be able to lead you to happiness, no matter what the experience of your lives are.
